Telephony (call and SMS) support

The telephony protocol defines record and message types for non-modem-hardware-specific telephony interactions.

Implementation. The protocol is (as of October 2022) implemented entirely within the SqueakPhone Smalltalk image, in class CallManager, HayesModemActor, SamsungGalaxyS7ModemActor, and so on.

Available modem devices

A ModemPresent record is asserted for each modem available to the telephony subsystem. The type field can, for example, be the symbol hayes for a Hayes modem, samsung-galaxy-s7 for a Samsung Galaxy S7, and so on. Each modem variant speaks a variant-specific protocol across the dataspace reference in the ModemPresent record. Finally, the devicePath is a Linux device path representative of the modem, for example /dev/umts_boot0 or /dev/EG25.AT.

ModemPresent = <modem @type symbol @devicePath string @dataspace #:any> .

Telephony addresses (telephone numbers)

An Address represents a phone number. The numberType selects the numbering plan; the number is the actual address. Numbering plans are complex! The GSM specifications are the place to go for details. In general, using international with numbers like +31 6 ... is the best way forward.

Address = <address @numberType NumberType @number string> .
NumberType = =unknown / =international / =national / =gsm0338 .

Ongoing calls

An ActiveCall assertion describes an active, ongoing call.

The callId is a modem-specific call identification number. (TODO: if two modems are active, their callIds may clash.) The direction is mo for calls placed by the local phone endpoint, i.e. those dialed by the local user, and mt for calls placed by a remote phone, i.e. incoming calls, those answered by the local user. The type field describes whether the call is for voice or data; usually, this will be voice, but data is reported by some modems when using mobile data connections. As you might imagine, fax-type calls are uncommon. The peer field describes the other phone's network address (phone number). Finally, state describes the state of the call.

ActiveCall = <call-state @callId CallId @direction CallDirection @type CallType @peer Address @state CallState> .
CallId = int .
CallDirection = =mo / =mt .
CallType = =voice / =data / =fax .
CallState = =hold / =original / =connect / =incoming / =waiting / =end / =alerting .

Answering an incoming call

When an ActiveCall record is asserted by the modem, if it has direction mt and state incoming, the system should let the user choose to answer the call (or ignore it, etc.). If the user chooses to answer, an AnswerCall message tells the modem to do the necessary. The callId is the same value as in the ActiveCall assertion.

# Message. Triggers call answering.
AnswerCall = <answer-call @callId int> .

Rejecting and/or disconnecting a call

Sending a DisconnectCall message causes the modem to release an active call, either without answering it (rejection) or while it is established (disconnection). The callId is taken from the ActiveCall assertion, or is the symbol all to request disconnection of all active calls. The cause field describes the release reason; it should usually be normal, but busy or callRejected may also be appropriate.

DisconnectCall = <disconnect-call @callId CallIdSelector @cause ReleaseCause> .
CallIdSelector = @specificCall int / @allCalls =all .
ReleaseCause =
/ =unassignedNumber
/ =normal
/ =busy
/ =noUserResponding
/ =callRejected
/ =destinationOutOfOrder
/ =normalUnspecified
/ =incompatibleDestination

Placing an outbound call

Sending a PlaceCall message causes the matching modem (named by its devicePath, which should match a ModemPresent assertion) to place an outbound call to the named peer (a phone number).

# Message. Starts an outgoing call.
PlaceCall = <place-call @devicePath string @peer Address> .

Whole-device call state

Many applications don't care about precise details of individual calls, but only whether or not some ongoing call is active (alerting, connected, ringing etc.). Those applications may monitor the CallInProgress assertion.

CallInProgress = <call-in-progress> .

Whole-device ringing state

A PhoneRinging assertion means that an incoming call is signalling the user, asking for a decision about whether to answer, reject, or ignore the call.

PhoneRinging = <phone-ringing> .

A PeerRinging assertion means that, during the establishment phase of an outgoing call, the remote party's phone should be ringing.

PeerRinging = <peer-ringing> .

SMS deliveries and transmissions

An SmsDelivery message indicates that an incoming SMS message has been received. The smsc is the message relay server that forwarded the message on to us; this is usually some carrier- and even plan-specific address, see the GSM specifications for details. The peer is the sender's phone number. The timestamp describes the time associated with the SMS, and the body is the message itself.

SmsDelivery = <sms-delivery @smsc Address @peer Address @timestamp time.Stamp @body string> .

To send an SMS message, assert an SmsTransmission record with the correct smsc, the peer's destination phone number, and the body of the message to send. The continuation field should be a reference to an entity that expects the ok symbol as a message when the transmission has been processed by the modem.

# Assertion. An outgoing SMS should be transmitted.
SmsTransmission = <sms-transmission @smsc Address @peer Address @body string @continuation #:=ok > .

Speakerphone mode

The user may choose to assert a Speakerphone record in order to request that the local audio hardware switch profile to speakerphone mode during a call.

Speakerphone = <speakerphone> .